Best Bakeries in London to Indulge Your Sweet Tooth
The English adage says it best: Keep Calm and Carry On. Even better: Sip your tea, nibble on a delicious cake or pastry and lose yourself in the sugary reverie of a lazy afternoon.
The English adage says it best: Keep Calm and Carry On. Even better: Sip your tea, nibble on a delicious cake or pastry and lose yourself in the sugary reverie of a lazy afternoon.
London, being the most wonderful city that it is, can cater for pretty much any taste. It has nightclubs galore, and almost any that you might happen to stumble into in Soho on a Friday or Saturday night will be playing a crowd-pleasing mix of stuff that's in the charts, either now or from yesteryear. But what if you want something a little bit different? Something... alternative? Well then, you should probably look at nights out in East London...
London’s a funny old place. Spring should be in the air – daffodils blooming, layers coming off, little chicks and other such signs of warmer weather appearing. Instead we seem to be battling snow or heavy rain, so I guess we’d be forgiven for not realising that Easter is here.
You don’t end up with a city population of over 8 million without attracting people with some unusual interests and passions. This is of course one of the many reasons we all love London – it can be home for all: the masses and the individual, the average and the eccentric.
Almost anyone will tell you in London, Street Food is a star that has risen. People love it and they want it whenever they can get it. They also want more to go with their Street Food... like... a party!
Irish or otherwise, Londoners love to get involved in St Patrick’s Day celebrations. And little wonder, with so much Irish culture in our city.
There is a wealth of places to go shopping for a new outfit in London but where do you go for something a little different, something a little less 'high street'. Well, we have gathered a selection of the finest boutiques to fulfill your every fashion needs; here's a collection of our favourite London fashion shops for women.
Many people remember the sweets and chocolates of their childhood with nostalgic sighs. While the treats of childhood which are no longer made might seem worlds away, there is a select group of people in London who have gone all out in recreating some of that remembered magic, but with a contemporary (and even adventurously adult) twist.
The world has become virtually smaller and now an increasing number of us are choosing to move city, country and even continent. Whether it is in search of an easier life, a warmer climate, or a better job, the fact still remains the same, change is exciting, and well, the grass is always greener.