Associations of being on the end of a switchblade in deepest Whitechapel will always conjure up images of fog-bound Victoriana. But that shouldn’t stop you taking a trip into latter-day Whitechapel (as yet still ungentrified – but they’ll get you my pretty, oh yes) and heading for Jack the Clipper for the shave of your life.
A wash, cut and style will set you back less than £20, as will Jack’s Cut, finished off with a rinse and the relaxing touch of a steaming hot towel.
A certain amount of personal courage may be required – along with being fairly hirsute – for the fiendishly named ‘Dig in the Grave’. No manpower or shovels are required, however, just a capacity for chilling out as the cut-throat razor is whipped around your jaw, neck and eyebrows (threading is offered where required too).
The Full Ripper covers all bases: wash, cut style and shave, for £26. The Jack Beard Trim will only set you back £6. For this, your facial rug will be clipped and styled and your neck and cheeks spick ’n’ spanned with a flash of the ol’ cutthroat (they also promise to ‘flame your ears’ which sound s like a schoolboy knockabout prank, but which I’m sure is a more likely to be a procedure through which any rogue wires are removed from said area). For braving this, you’ll be rewarded with a hot towel and invigorating massage.
They never found Jack – but you’ll find Jack’s easily enough. Get down there and you’ll discover there’s no mystery behind the shop’s popularity.